Empower Your Telephone Communications with Acquaint(tm)
Released on: September 14, 2007, 11:04 am
Press Release Author: Verbal World. Inc.
Industry: Telecommunications
Press Release Summary: The most flexible and fully customizable VoIP phone service available, that you use with any phone
Press Release Body: Boulder, CO (9/14/2007) - Today Verbal World, Inc. announces the launch of AcquaintT. It is a VoIP system that works with all existing phones, any kind, anywhere, connecting all of your phones and voicemail to one number. The three most appealing features are: .Acquaint asks your screening questions of every caller .You can connect as many of your phones as you want .Enhanced streamlined voicemail Acquaint was created with people who rely on the phone for business in mind. More specifically independent or home based businesses or people in sales. The makers of Acquaint realized that time spent on the phone needs to be more efficient and "user friendly" for both the sales person and the customer. Acquaint is also an incredible service for people in eBusiness, allowing valued customers to connect to you anytime anywhere just by dialing one number. This means that if your offices are spread all over (even worldwide) you can have one number to connect to all offices.
The most impressive part of Acquaint is the capability to configure any feature as you see fit. The screening questions are the best example. .Type in what you want your Acquaint to ask your callers .Acquaint asks your callers the screening questions you created .You hear the answers to your screening questions, in the caller's voice, before you decide to take any call, therefore qualifying every caller .If you do not take the call the answers are appended to the front of each voicemail .Processing voicemail is no longer a painful process .You can quickly decide to listen to, call back, or delete a message while the screening question answers are playing or during the body of any message
The Acquaint subscriber can also create a virtual PBX with menu options that inform and others that connect to outside phone numbers. The greeting is completely customized as well. It's all done instantly with your online account. You can also make outbound calls to any number through Acquaint using any phone that you've connected.
John Kelley, Chairman and CEO for Verbal World said "Acquaint is a revolutionary new way to give everyone first-class phone service without the cost or hassle of new equipment, or hiring someone to do it for you". Compared to other services available, for example, some telecom companies charge $100 or more to add a business line to your home package, Acquaint is a convenient, powerful and affordable way to make your phones work for you for just $29.95 a month. ###
Web Site: http://www.verbalworld.com
Contact Details: Verbal World, Inc. 5370 Manhattan Circle #201 Boulder, CO 80303 support@verbalworld.com 1-303-847-0830
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